The ‘Mashable’ website has an interesting review of how cartographers have responded to the challenge of how to show the region at http://mashable.com/2014/03/19/cartographers-map-crimea/
Cartography on the Web
Londonmapper is a project whose website is still very much under construction, but there are some fascinating cartographic interpretations of data about our nation’s capital city. Some of these were presented to the ‘geomob’ meetup in March by Benjamin Hennig. As the image shows, the final portrayal can look odd and vaguely disturbing, but does make its point very well. Cartograms have been around for a few years now and I think we are getting used to the way in which they distort our traditional view to emphasize certain factors and bring out patterns that otherwise may have been overlooked. With a wide range of topics covering Poverty & Wealth, Population, Identity, Housing, Education, Work, Health, Environment & Travel and Social Harm, this will be an excellent resource for a wide range of interested parties.
The geomob meetups have included some really interesting topics recently but I unfortunately haven’t managed to attend one yet. Started in 2008, #geomob is a regular event for location-based service developers. They meet every two months and provide a forum to discuss geo innovation, whether for fun or profit, by hosting talks from start-ups, academics, hobbyists, and large corporates. After the talks they retire to a nearby pub to discuss – it all sounds very civilised! The next event is on Tuesday 13th May at 1830 in the Pearson Lecture Theatre at UCL. Exact details, including a map, can be found on the Lanyrd page for the evening, where they ask people to sign up so that they can estimate the audience size. The agenda for the evening will feature 10-15 minute talks from:
- Andrew Brown of ‘Toursome’
- Manuel Timita and Katya Koval of illustreets’
- Mark Simpkins of ‘Heresay’
- Oliver Roick of UCL’s Citizen Extreme Science Research Group
- Chris Sheldrick of ‘what3words’
- James Siddle will speak about his visualisation of Boris Bike network use
BCS Symposium
This year’s
50th Annual Symposium will be held at the Marwell Hotel and
Conference Centre near Winchester from 24th to 26th June
with the BCS President’s Golden Ball Golf Tournament on 27th June at
East Horton Golf Course. The Tournament is open to all levels of golf
competency and is a marvelous culmination to Symposium.
- The Stanfords
Award for Printed Mapping
This award is open to any mapping in the printed form, whether it be a poster, folded sheet map, atlas or page from a book.
- The Avenza
Award for Electronic Mapping
This award is open to any mapping available in electronic format, whether it is interactive internet mapping, internal company use GIS mapping or maybe a PowerPoint presentation.
- The John C
Bartholomew Award for Small Scale Mapping
This award is presented for originality and excellence in the field of thematic (non-topographic, 1:100 000 and smaller) cartography with emphasis on effective communication of the intended theme or themes.
- The OS
OpenData Award
Ordnance Survey have provided the British Cartographic Society with an award to encourage excellence in cartographic design and the innovative and exciting use of OS OpenData.
The BCS Award
The prestigious BCS Award will be presented to the entry judged to be the best from the four Awards above. Full details and entry forms can be found at BCS Awards.
The prestigious BCS Award will be presented to the entry judged to be the best from the four Awards above. Full details and entry forms can be found at BCS Awards.
ICA Commission on Map Design
If you are not
sure whether to submit an entry or entries for the Awards you might get help or
inspiration from the MapCarte website as covered in my two previous bulletins.
The commentary certainly gives some very good pointers as to why the maps have
been selected, whilst pointing out that what makes a good map can be very much
down to personal interpretation. Criteria can be developed against which a map
can be "judged" but if we are too proscriptive then we risk ignoring
the innovative and challenging simply because they don’t conform to what we
might expect to see.
My favourite this month is MapCarte 78/365: Atlantic Ocean Floor by Heinrich Berann, 1968. As the image shows the mid-Atlantic ridge looks like some colossal scaly reptile stretching the length of the ocean. But what I think is really staggering is the way the continental shelf abruptly ends and we descend into the abyssal plain. The scale is hugely exaggerated but this in no way detracts from the beauty of the map and a very effective method of portraying the sea floor.

Mystery Maps
Peter Jolly, Immediate Past President of BCS
has been working in The Bodleian Library and has unearthed an interesting box
or two of material. They consist of glass negatives deposited by The Repmat
Library Branch of the MOD at Tolworth in 1998. These glass negatives were most
likely produced in the 1930s and are approximately 8.5" x 6.5".
And finally…
Congratulations to Clare and Mark Seldon on the arrival of
Leo. Clare is our webmaster and is taking some well-earned maternity leave,
although I am sure that as she is not at work she has plenty of time on her
Absolutely nothing at all to do with maps, but it made me
Pete Jones
MBE, FBCartS, CGeog
6th April 2014
Email: Peter.Jones991@mod.uk
Twitter: @geomapnut