I know that media
outlets refer to this as ‘the silly season’, when news stories dry up and items
that wouldn’t normally merit reporting suddenly come to the fore and July 1963
is no exception as there appear to have been very few big news events.
The one
major UK
news item is rather an unpleasant one, but still very resonant. On 12th July 1963, Pauline Reade aged 16 was reported missing on her way to a dance in
Gorton, Manchester .
One of the victims of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, her body was not found until
24 years later in 1987. Those who are familiar with Saddleworth Moor, will know
what a bleak and desolate place it can be and yet it is so close to so many
large towns that it seems strange to find such desolation so close to such
urban sprawl. It is perfectly understandable why the body of Keith Bennett has
tragically never been found.
If I
asked you what happened 44 years ago at 8°30′N 31°24′E, you would probably
struggle to come up with something memorable happening in Southern Sudan, but
then the image should give you a fairly hefty clue! We’re not talking about
terrestrial co-ordinates, but lunar ones. The 44th anniversary may not
be particularly noteworthy in itself, but to think that BCS has been around
since before man first landed on the moon does make you reflect on the huge
changes that have taken place in the last 50 years. Technology has arguably
advanced more in the last 50 years than at any other time in history and things
that were only seen in science fiction are now commonplace items. So with all the advances in technology are maps now
past their sell by date? I do get a little annoyed when I see articles with
headlines such as “GPS can't kill the good old-fashioned road map”. Whilst
the tenor of the article from the Canadian Broadcasting Service is positive
about maps in general, to use the term ‘old-fashioned’ in the title just seems
to denigrate unnecessarily. The full article can be accessed via the CBS
The Internet has
been full of map related articles recently and it has almost become a case of
which ones to choose and which ones to leave out, which reflects very well on
the cartographic world and the continuing relevance of the topic. I have often
given presentations on the continuing importance of cartography and the fact
that maps are such a large part of our daily experience that they almost fade
into the background and we simply don’t notice how many there are around.

And now 4 years later, New
York is catching up with us. The New York Times
recently reported the initiative to address the problem of New Yorkers (as
opposed to just visitors and tourists) getting lost. To quote the
report: "A department study, based on a
survey of 500 pedestrians, found that one-third of New Yorkers could not say
which direction north was. Fourteen percent of residents and 27 percent of
visitors could not name the neighborhood or borough in which they were being
surveyed. And nearly 10 percent of locals admitted they had gotten lost in the
previous week"
OpenStreet Map has now been in existence for 9 years and there was recently an interesting and thought provoking article on ‘The Atlantic’ website entitled, ‘What Happens When Everyone Makes Maps?’ Whilst there are inaccuracies in the article – it’s a wonder the author hasn’t been sued by Ordnance Survey – it is also an interesting summary of the way in which cartography has been opened up so that anyone can make a map, but irritatingly it doesn’t really answer the question that it poses in its title.
OpenStreet Map has now been in existence for 9 years and there was recently an interesting and thought provoking article on ‘The Atlantic’ website entitled, ‘What Happens When Everyone Makes Maps?’ Whilst there are inaccuracies in the article – it’s a wonder the author hasn’t been sued by Ordnance Survey – it is also an interesting summary of the way in which cartography has been opened up so that anyone can make a map, but irritatingly it doesn’t really answer the question that it poses in its title.

A huge
thank you to Mary Spence for
organising the event and to her ‘other half’ Graham Fisher for acting as host,
expert, raconteur and giving us all a really great Experience.
next BCS Experience opportunity will come in the October, with the Historical
Military Mapping Special Interest Group arranging a visit to Lincolnshire around the theme of the 70th Anniversary of the Dams Raid. More details at Bomber Command
BCS Symposium
The 50th Anniversary Symposium is now only a few weeks away and it looks like we may well have record numbers, for recent years, attending. We have already overflowed from the venue and we are having to accommodate delegates offsite, such is its popularity. It has also featured in the Leicester Mercury, so it can only be a matter of time until we hit the national press. There is still time to book, so if you haven’t made up your mind to attend, hurry up and do so as delegate places are limited. The programme is particularly strong this year, with a very wide range of speakers from across the cartographic community and our keynote session involving the Heads of the 5 major UK mapping organisations is a unique opportunity to hear them reflect on the last 50 years and what the immediate future has to hold for the cartographic industry.
BCS Symposium
The 50th Anniversary Symposium is now only a few weeks away and it looks like we may well have record numbers, for recent years, attending. We have already overflowed from the venue and we are having to accommodate delegates offsite, such is its popularity. It has also featured in the Leicester Mercury, so it can only be a matter of time until we hit the national press. There is still time to book, so if you haven’t made up your mind to attend, hurry up and do so as delegate places are limited. The programme is particularly strong this year, with a very wide range of speakers from across the cartographic community and our keynote session involving the Heads of the 5 major UK mapping organisations is a unique opportunity to hear them reflect on the last 50 years and what the immediate future has to hold for the cartographic industry.
Restless Earth End of Term
Our penultimate Restless Earth workshop took
place at Richard Huish
College in Taunton in early July. As it was also the
penultimate day of their term, the teachers had devised a cunning plan to
maximize student attendance by running a themed cake
competition alongside the workshop. There was a geographic theme for all the
entries, with one student choosing to highlight the problems with satnavs, on
the left. The cake on the right was the most innovative, but unfortunately got
a bit damaged on the way in to the College. It was a sponge cake, sat on top of
a jelly, so that when you tapped the side of the tin, the cake wobbled to
simulate suffering a mini earthquake, a brilliant idea that didn’t quite work.

It was a really good day, heavily
supported by staff from the Hydrographic Office and judging by the smiling faces
in the picture left, it was enjoyable for the students as well as instructive.
The Restless Earth programme is already well advanced for the next
academic year with 14 workshops arranged around the country, so if you’d like
to come along and help please get in touch, although we can’t promise cake at
every one!
By the time the next monthly newsletter comes out it will be almost ‘#maptember’, a month renamed to reflect the amount of map-related events taking place. To do them all will be a marathon, so good luck to those attending more than one. I will be between the ICC in
Pete Jones