Wednesday 11 September 2013

British Cartographic Society Award Winners 2013

The British Cartographic Society (founded in 1963, and celebrating their 50th Anniversary this year) has been recognising good map design through their Awards since 1978. The Awards system is designed to encourage entrants across all cartographic disciplines, and to showcase products created through traditional, new or experimental techniques. They aim to promote the best of cartographic products and highlight excellent cartographic design in the UK and abroad. 

The 50th Anniversary Symposium was held at Hothorpe Hall, Leicestershire and welcomed 11 past presidents back to The BCS to join in the celebrations.

Congratulations to all the award winners and runners up of 2013. Please see the website for more details on each winner.

Stanfords Award Winner - Mary Spence, Global Mapping for "The World"
Stanford Highly Commended entry -  Mike Murphy, University of Cork for "The Atlas of the Irish Famine"

Avenza Award Winner - Clare Seldon, Steer Davies Gleave for  "Swindon Journey Planner"

Ordnance Survey Open Data Award Winner - Ashley Clough, Parallel for "Interactive UK Healthcare Data Visualiation"
Ordnance Survey Open Data Highly Commended entry - Caroline Robinson, Clear Mapping for "Summer in February" Film Estate Maps

John C Bartholomew Award Winner - Peter Fretwell, British Antarctic Survey for "Bedmap2: Bedrock Topology of Antarctica
John C Bartholomew Highly Commended entry -  Mike Murphy, University of Cork for "The Atlas of the Irish Famine"

BCS Award:
This is presented to the entry judged to be the best from the four award winning entries presented this year from:

* The Stanfords Award won by Global Mapping;
* The Avenza Award won by Steer Davies Gleave;
* The Ordnance Survey Open Data Award won by Parallel; and
* The John C. Bartholomew Award won by British Antarctic Survey

We have the pleasure in announcing that the BCS Award is presented to: Mary Spence, Global Mapping for "The World"

Symposium attendees at Hothorpe Hall, Leics
all photography by Martin Lubikowski @MartinMLDesign

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